Now, life has been werra werra busy 'round here as of late, which is why I'm late to my "self-imposed deadline" (as Hun phrased it). This strip is the last of its arc, with the following weeks already posted long ago. Golly, I'm running low on my long runs of Sundays. Now, what ever will we do when I deplete the stash?
Now again, sorry I'm late. But I received a very nice email today that I quote here: "You may be a day late now and then, or two or more, but remember you are so good and generous to our little band!—Martin Fass"
Now, that's really nice to think of us as a little band. Thanks Martin, and thank you to the band for playing your parts!
Now, check out that last panel with the old greybeard founder—an unusual reference to Kelly's old employer! And a regular mouse that shows up out of nowhere.
Long live Kelly!
December 1, 1968