Wednesday, August 16, 2017

Go Away, You Frighten Your Children!

 As noted by famed illustrator James Montgomery Flagg, "cartoonists make people see things!"

My favorite cartoonist, Walt Kelly, died over 40 years ago, yet he left us this Pogo story, as if in a time capsule to look at now, as a moral tale for our American society.

Tuesday, August 8, 2017

Polls is a Matter of Interpretation

Sorry to have dropped the posting schedule for a while. I'm awaiting more wonderful scans of vintage tear sheets and I can't be pushy when someone as generous as David Burd is making time in his busy schedule to accommodate us.

In the meantime I'll try posting some other Kelly goodness here and there. This from one of the latter day Pogo books.

There were plenty of issues in Kelly's day that are still haunting us today, making his satire just as relevant as we look at it fresh. Man, he would have had a field day with the political climate of nowadays.