Still lotsa yellow, but what's new about that? Except, notice that the yellow bench is against a yellow background in one of the panels and sorta disappears. Strips in other times rarely did stuff like that.
Lotsa green tree trunks.
Howland Owl now has white muttonchops with his light orangish body. And he's got clear glasses again.
Churchy still has the two-tone face, which to me is really distracting.
Four more white background panels, still a rarity in the Okefenokee.
A patch of blue missing through the 'o' in the Pogo logo.
And there's a big green blotch in panel 7. Things like that happen in high speed printing, but it looks almost deliberate like maybe it was in the color engraver's guide. I can see the engraver scratching his head and drawling, 'well alright, if that's what Mr. Kelly wants . . ."
All this doesn't look like color-blindness to me as much as scatter-brainess.
Oh, and hey! I inserted a photo of original art two posts ago. Go back and check it out.