Sunday, July 13, 2014

It's Not All Beer and Skittles

Sam, cat and gypsy moth exit stage left. Enter Albert.

These current characters have been fun, but I was kind of missing Albert, if not the others, even if it had to be a football story line to bring them back (Kelly's sports stories could get a bit repetitive). 

This strip was a bear to clean up, taking me longer than usual, but it's always swell to get one more strip archived.

September 21, 1969


  1. and what a wonderful result you got there, Thom!

    By the way: Can anyone give me a hint what the acronym 'F.Y.I.' might have stood for in 1969? Hounddog immediately assumes something 'federal'; today's usage 'for your information' in this context is not really funny.


  2. Hi Hun! I believe that Kelly just doesn't want to refer specifically to the FBI, Federal Bureau of Investigation, so that's his skewed reference to it. Y'know that the FBI had a thick file on Kelly, worried about Kelly's unAmerican activities, like putting code in his fractured English and being sympathetic to 'the enemy' (whoever J Edgar thought the enemy was at any given week) and of course the enemy was US!

    1. Yes, Thom, I was aware of that bad craziness. Just thought that some other organization might have had that acronym (something like - I make this up - 'Federal Youth Initiative' as a cause for an additional belly laugh)
      W.K. demonstrated his appreciation of J.Edgar's work very nicely later in '71 and '72 dailies, but I wonder if the addressee liked the public attention...


      We have met the enemy and...

    2. I can see how Kelly simply changed a "B" to a "Y" there just to be fun about it and not thinking that far ahead on what that could mean at all, not that it would leave it up to us readers of the future to figure that out.

  3. I agree about the repetitive sports storylines. One of the weaker recurring threads in Kelly's work. But he was an all-American male!

    Another beautiful job, Thom. Bravo!


    1. Thanks Craig! Yes he was all-American even as J Edgar was trying to prove Kelly was unAmerican.

  4. Thank you for your hard work. This was a fun strip to read!
