You're probably sick of me trying vainly to come up with new words to praise Kelly at this point, so for this issue I'll stick to noting how Kelly plays with scale yet again in this one; using larger panels almost every time the beanstalk or the giant is shown, often going for two tiers instead of three. I also like the extreme perspective and oversized lettering on page 11.
Taken as a whole, these issues show Kelly trying all sorts of different things to contrast sizes and I find it amazing to see. It never gets in the way of telling the stories, though—it took me a while to realize it was even there.
I hope you've enjoyed this run of books. I thank Thom again for doing it, and hopefully I (or somebody else) will have more issues to share soon!
And thank you OtherEric for the time, expense, and effort of sharing Kelly's Peter Wheat with us. I'll bet we have some more stories soon!
Regarding this story, I'm ready to say that is Seminole Sam, the fox from Pogo's Okefenokee, wandering afield, showing the proximity of Kelly's Whirlds.