Sunday, April 20, 2014

Ready to Resist

That last panel is a honey. I loves a Kelly poo-rade!

June 29, 1969


  1. As the evening news attests, whether or not that last panel is or is not paradey-- er, parody, really depends on who you ask down around here in the South.

    To paraphrase: Too small (-minded) to be a nation, too large to be an insane asylum.

    - (A)

  2. Surely Churchy is not trying to make a statement there; I'd assume he is just a bit more scatterbrained than the rest of the gang.
    Did you notice the swarm of bugs trying to get there?

    Happy Easter (or whatever you are celebrating)!
    Thanks, Thom,

  3. Re: Hun. I noticed in my spam mail folder that the 65-68 archive did not make it to me in time before it expired. I apologize, but it seems the domain is automatically filtered by gogglemail. Your other 3 notifications didn't come that way. I'd contact you through email, but the address contact bounces replies. Would it be possible to reissue it?

    Thanks greatly.

    - (A)

  4. -(A),
    your mail of April 21 did make it into my in-box with
    Re-uploading 65-68 right now...
