Sunday, August 24, 2014

Is You the Doctor or a Turnip?

Howland and Churchy are kind of like Laurel and Hardy, in their own way, as they tumble through their vaudeville routine.

Happy Sunday, Kelly Sunday!

November 10, 1968


  1. Thanks, THB, and a sincere ' OOF OWF YIPE OWK' to you!

  2. Thank you, thank, you, thank you, Mr. THB for this lovely, inspired Sunday strip.

    A hilarious sequence capped by a double switcheroo: trap from Howland to Churchy, Howland from patient to doctor. Physician, bill thyself!

    Hey, did that nurse show up anywhere else in the Swamp? Or was she one of those one-time cameos WK did so well?

    Defrog the Goobermint

  3. Thanks guys!

    Well, the nurse shows up in the next two Sundays, and then I don't recall having seen her elsewhere...though I could be proven wrong.

    Steve Thompson, or one of those guys, once did an inventory of all the characters that ever showed up over the years. Maybe someone could find that list and share it here.

  4. a similar tiny lady shows up among the bunch of ladies (wearing glasses, if I remember correctly - have to check)
    who want to marry Pogo, the Prisoner of Love.
    The list you are referring to, Thom, would be a real fingerlicking morsel.

    1. it was end of May, '69. Face very similar, but body not turnip-shaped; no name given. So probably two different spear-carriers.

  5. Yowp! Thanks for your hard work posting pogos!

  6. Creating that comprehensive list sure sounds like a daunting task. Would each name that Mr. "Destroy a Son's Faith in His Father" Bug calls his son(s) merit a separate entry?

    Kelly said "I have always felt that the . . .irregulars in the strip work elsewhere, in other comic strips, on their days off, and probably fare better than we know."

    Defrog the Goobermint
