Sunday, September 25, 2016

Perfessional Duty Calls!

These boys are always doin' something re-dickledockle! This is a fine looking Sunday strip from so long ago, thanks to David Burd and the Tony Peters Collection! One of these times I'll take the time to tell you about that collection.

By the way, I dedicate this Sunday strip to Larry Kuenning, who took the time to write a nice email with some information. Thanks Larry!

Happy Sunday, Kelly Sunday!

May 25, 1952


  1. Thanks, Thom...

    Looks to me, in that last panel, like ol' bear's wondering if he still has his natural teeth. Churchy noticed 'em in there two weeks back, but did they get pulled out with the trap?

    1. Only time will tell, Larry, and maybe not even then...

  2. Has anyone ever compiled a list of all the things Albert has swallowed over the decades?
    Thank you for enlivening another Monday!

    1. Y'know, Kevin, I think I DO recall seeing a list like that somewhere in the past. But darned if I recall where. It would have had to be someone with the full run of the strip and a lot of time and patience. That rules me out.
