Monday, October 24, 2016

Need Your Opinions

Okay folks, I need your opinions. At this point in the current continuity, there is a break in the collection of original Sunday newspaper strips, a fairly long break of 6 weeks.

Would you rather that I continue with what I have of the newspaper strips, with that break . . . or fill in the continuity with modern reprints in order to keep the storyline unbroken? You Pogo addicts have already seen all these strips, but casual fans prolly haven't.

Please speak up and let your opinion be heard!


  1. As a casual fan, I'd rather see the story line unbroken. I don't mind if they're reprints -Bob

  2. Thom,
    whilst appreciating the smell of the musty newspapers a lot, I'd say: Give the youngsters a chance to enjoy Kelly in continuity
    (...some of them might be hooked...)
    Thanks for your time and efforts!



  3. I've no particular objection to either course, but I must say I would enjoy seeing how Kelly's madness develops in sequence. Thanks!

  4. Hi Thom, I personally don't mind what you do, but for the potential Pogophile it's maybe better to fill the gap.
    Thanks as always!

  5. I vote for keeping the continuity going. Thanks.

  6. I'm going to say modern reprints just simply because I'm hoping you're reaching new people that otherwise would not hear of Kelly's work.

  7. Please keep up the continuity if you have a source for it. I'm a long-term Pogo fan with a complete (I think) collection of Simon & Schuster books but no Fantagraphics books (yet). To me this sequence (about Bear's "teeth") is unfamiliar.* I'd prefer to see the complete story arc.
    *But there's a different episode about Owl's dentistry kit in Pogo's Sunday Punch (possibly also from 1952, chapter title "See See the Saw," no page numbers).

  8. Continuer avec les originaux

  9. Another vote for continuity here. Thank you!

  10. The sequence is more important. It's for new readers to get hooked and the old ones like myself who have read the originals back in the day, and have now forgotten how effervescent the humor is. I carry the hose.

  11. Please keep up (more or less) the continuity if possible.

  12. I don't mind reprints, let's keep the continuity unbroken.
