Monday, April 27, 2020

After Due Ponderation

 Okay! Let's see if we can make this work, posting Pogo en Francais on the left and Pogo en Englais on the right, hopefully big enough to read, especially if you click on them. Update: Nope, I have them side by side on my dashboard, but they post as one over the other. 
So be it, I guess.

Frits van der Waa volunteered to take the English strips and stack them equivalently to the French booklet. Thank you, Frits! Just to remind you (from a long ago post) this French version was a 30 page supplement published in Spirou magazine. These strips are from 1966, just prior to the amazing Pandemonia cycle. 

The Okefenokee parlance is perty tough to translate to any language, so by comparison you can tell throughout that the translator went for the gist and undoubtedly lost the charm of Kelly's writing. And I thought maybe some English strips were missing, but Frits points otherwise, these being his words:

"There were no strips missing - on the contrary, there's one too many.
It's interesting to see what the French translator came up with. He took his liberties (made it more sixties-ish, with 'long hair' for 'beards', for instance). But translating Pogo is as good as impossible!"

The French version was originally sent to me by Michel Francois. Thank you, Michel! I'm not sure who sent the English strips, but I have suspicions.  

It's still time consuming lining up these pages for posting, so bear with me as I do only a pair at a time. I'll post them as my schedule permits.

Long Live Kelly!


  1. I don't do much French, but having grown up in the South and lived in Georgia these past forty five years gives me a strong suspicion that Okefenokee can't be translated into French.


    1. Yes, perhaps a bit akin to translating Shakespeare into sign language, methinks.

  2. Thom,
    1. Pse excuse me for not responding to your original question re sequence of posting etc!
    Reason: I was not concerned; I still have saved on my machine the (oh so long ago...) posted by you French (actually Belgian) publication plus the reworked sequence
    2.I believe that myself was a bit involved in the preparation of your original posting, by providing the collected newspaper microfiche copies to one of our/your friends, who had volunteered to fair in the balloon contents into the 'french' pics. That would explain the lesser quality of the wording prints in my saved copies.
    3. Thanks for your time and efforts


    1. Hi Hun! Yes, I saw your fingerprints somewhere in this whole thing and thank you! Over years' time it's so hard to properly give credit where credit is due, yet knowing we're all in this for the love of Kelly.
